Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We're Having A....(drum roll please....)

GIRLY, GIRL! Yeah.... sooooo excited I am! Last Tuesday Pat and I went to the doc to get my first ultrasound (17 weeks), and the nurse and doctor could tell right away it's a girl! I was so excited! During the ultrasound they were also going over all the fingers, toes, nose, mouth... each and every part of our little bundle and it was such a blessing to hear that this far the baby looks very healthy. You can't ask for a better doctor visit than that, right! It is amazing that this early even, we can see little details that are just so precious. She moved around a lot during the visit and kept putting her hands up behind her head, all comfy looking! God is truly an amazing creator!
So a few details... I dropped Kamri off with mom on the way to the dr., and mom gave me a present... a cutie little pair of boots (pink, with fur in them)... pic. to come later. She said, "If it's a boy, we've got some shopping to do." Well, her instinct was right!
Before we left the ultrasound doctor, Pat and I were told numerous times that he wanted to see us again in about 3 or 4 years, when we have our next! What... I think 2 is a good number, but this awesome dr., would make anyone want to plan for at least 4. He was so sweet, funny, and very persuasive... but I still think 2 is good! He has 4 kids himself and obviously loves them... and his job! He made our visit a little more fun than the norm I think. Pat and I had met there in 2 cars, so on the way back to get Kamri I just could not quit smiling. I was by myself and just couldn't wait to start calling and emailing everyone about... "It's A Girl!" Now I can change the colors on this blog to be 'girlie'! And we don't have to repaint the room! Yes!